FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022

A fully featured school management system developed by Roaa Tech.


Qatar Post


November, 2022

  • Copywriting
  • Social Media Strategy
  • Landing Pages
  • Email Marketing



During the exhilarating FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, an event that captivated millions globally, I had the privilege of playing a key role in a significant initiative led by Qatar Post. My involvement spanned the entire tournament, where I was responsible for overseeing the “Lost and Found” campaign and also took charge of creating comprehensive email campaigns and devising social media strategies, in addition to managing in-stadium banner placements.



Through the implementation of a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, including a robust social media plan, targeted email marketing campaigns were made in addressing this challenge.

Social Media Posts

Leveraging the power of platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, we crafted engaging content that resonated with the World Cup's diverse audience. Through captivating posts, interactive stories, and targeted advertisements, we not only highlighted the exclusive range of official merchandise but also fostered a community of fans sharing their passion for the game. This strategic approach enabled us to connect with attendees and fans worldwide, creating a buzz around the merchandise and significantly enhancing online engagement and product interest.

Email Marketing & Video Scripts

A pivotal element of our marketing strategy was the development and execution of email campaigns centered on FIFA licensed products sold by Qatar Post. These campaigns targeted ticket holders and event attendees, showcasing an exclusive selection of official merchandise that captured the essence of the World Cup experience. By providing detailed information on the range of products available, including how to purchase them, we established a direct communication channel that not only informed the audience but also enhanced their connection to the event.